Thursday, January 26, 2012

I die.


It's been a kind of horrible week. 

My phone was stolen from the computer lab at school. I was freaking out about writing the scansion in on my sonnet when I didn't understand the meter of my sonnet and I didn't leave the lab until 12:58 for my 1pm class. Bad idea. I rushed out and forgot my phone next to my computer. I got HALF WAY DOWN THE HALL and realized I didn't have my phone. Figured I'd just turn around and grab it since it had only been, you know, 40 seconds tops. The hallways are not very long and I walk very briskly. When I was packing up my bag, a guy sat down at the computer next to me and I was leaving, I turned around and noticed that he was moving over to my computer. When I returned for my phone, dude was gone and so was my sweet iPhone.  That means he saw me packing up and was watching and HOPING I would forget it. I can not imagine not saying "Hey, don't forget your phone!" I just can't.

Yadda, yadda...I went to class all sad and defeated and "WTF" and then remembered the Find My iPhone app on my phone. I ran back to the computer lab and looked up the location of my phone and the guy was  a couple blocks away, so I basically just watched where he went because he was walking around. He came back to the school and the map showed my phone right outside the north entrance of the school. I kept refreshing, but the phone stayed put. I ran down 3 flights of stairs and questioned EVERYONE hanging out outside about my phone. I shook through all of the garbage cans--all of which contained human and/or dog shit, but no phone. I tracked him for the rest of the day and he kept returning to one house, so I went the next day not really knowing what to expect. A woman answers the door and I tell her about my stolen phone and the satellites telling me that it is in her home. She invites me in and keeps saying she doesn't really know what to do. I give her the description and ask that if its a roommate or a friend of a roommate, please guilt him for me. She says ok. I walk home. DEFEATED 4 REAL.

Now for the icing! When I upgraded my phone at the apple store, I don't know if they can't do it there or if I was supposed to do it online, but for the FIRST TIME I didn't get insurance on my phone. I always get it--I think I was supposed to do it online but I was so excited that I forgot and missed the 30 day deadline. Either way, I don't have it, and now I have to pay at least $300 for something I had on MONDAY. 

I didn't realize how much I relied on that thing, but its become a pretty indispensable part of my every day life. I walk most places and frequently use Maps to find the fastest route and figure out which direction I am currently walking (I'm horrible with directions...I'll know I'm on 3rd and want to get to 4th and I end up at 2nd and have to backtrack...not efficient). I use OneBusAway to determine when to leave for my bus. It shows you a map with all of the buses and a fairly accurate time of arrival, whether or not the bus is early or late, etc. Because of that app, I don't have to stand outside for an extra 15 minutes because I know before I leave that the bus is running 15 minutes late, and vice versa, I will leave 2 minutes early because the bus is running 4 minutes early and if I would have left at my normal time, I would've missed it.I use that app so much that I would gladly pay $100 for that app, I tell you. Its my key to the city! 

I just used that thing for so much, and in my head its not really an option not to buy another one. A friend at work recommended a reputable site where he buys used stuff in really good condition, and I think I'll check that out since he bought his iPhone and iTouch (I don't know why you'd want both, but I digress...) from them and they were both rated "Good" (a 2/3 on their scale) and there are no cracks, no chips, or anything of the sort on them. They look great. So I'll probably buy one when I get my tax return and skip my upgrade in October.

Don't even get me started on Instagram. 

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