My schedule this quarter:
10-10:50am: Literary Masterpieces of the United States
11-11:50am: International Relations
1-1:50pm: Shakespeare I
Since I was still 15 credits away from my A.A. and enrolling without it would cost me a lot of $$$ and time at SU, I am taking another 3 classes at at SC which are all, conveniently, electives. The english classes will fulfill major requirements for my B.A. Eng. and international relations is to help me comprehend all of these NYTimes articles that seem so far away from me and my realm of knowledge. I read them anyway and try and piece together what back-info the author divulges, but the authors always assume you know something about Israeli-Palestininian conflict & shit! I just want to know a little more about how the world works, essentially. Essentially.
The last two quarters my classes weren't until noon or one and I assure you I began my day accordingly. Waking up at noon stopped feeling good, so this quarter I vowed to take earlier classes to force myself asleep earlier and to start my day earlier.
We'll see how I feel about this in a couple weeks.
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